Articles in News
Unlock Bootloaders, Roots, and You

Well, since it’s kinda quite and haven’t really posted much guess I’ll post something. Some people knew I had an Android phone for awhile (since late July 2010) but haven’t really talked much about it. …
I Haz A Facebook Page?

Welp, out of complete boredom, I’ve somehow created myself a Facebook page for this site that you can see it over here
Taking the Dive with Google Chrome

So, for those who kept up with my Facebook or on IRC would know that I’ve gotten new parts and built a new system to replace my old and very out dated system. But …
Old Site Layout?

Yes, I’ve decided to go back to the old layout until I get around to designing my own (or learn to design my own at least).
So why did I went back to the old layout? …
Merry (Late) Christmas and Happy Holidays

Yes, Christmas was yesterday so I’m late, been a tiring day considering the fact that I had to work that day (well… work Christmas Eve into Christmas Day). Right after work went directly to …
Shira Oka, C#, Old Series, & More.

First off let me say that the beta testing of Shira Oka has finally came to an end. It was great being able to help out the creators of a fine project and am really …
New Layout for the Soul Plus Smart Phone Support And More

Yep, no posts in a long time and that’s mainly because I’ve been A) lazy, B) busy with other shit, and C) nothing really new happen (well… I take that back, there’s a lot of …
Is There Pain Inside You?

This is kinda late but thought I’d still mention it anyways but one of my old (and I mean old) poems was featured on some one’s Podcast on Head over to Tursiops’ My …
Shira Oka: You Are Now Getting a Chance at a Second Chance

In case you haven’t yet heard the big news, Shira Oka: Second Chances (the game I’ve been beta testing since towards the beginning of the year) is finally out in a demo form! You’ll …
A Walk through of my House

I actually got a video uploaded to show a walk through of my house that can be viewed on here and on YouTube. I’ve went ahead and embedded the videos on here and don’t …