Articles in World News
Internet Censorship?

I’m sure everyone has heard but if you haven’t well there’s a few bills that lobbyist such as the RIAA and MPAA that are trying to pass through the House and Senate that will, in …
Merry (Late) Christmas and Happy Holidays

Yes, Christmas was yesterday so I’m late, been a tiring day considering the fact that I had to work that day (well… work Christmas Eve into Christmas Day). Right after work went directly to …
Fathers, Don’t Kiss Your Little Girl In Public In Brazil

So an Italian man is on vacation with with his Brazilian wife and little girl when suddenly he did something that caused suspicion… He kissed his 8 year old daughter!!!
Why was that suspicion? Well, let’s …
So… Raping A Girl Is Better Then Hitting Her?

So, a 22-year-old man broke into a female’s home in Aomori and raped because he said, “hitting girls is wrong.”
He broke into her house fully aware that she was at home and stole a little …
And They Thought Otaku’s Were Bad

So the new Japanese Prime Minister, Yukio Hatoyama, is as crazy as his wife. He suggested that Japan and the UN should create a “Thunderbirds” military unit, referring to the good old classic puppet show.
“A …
Maybe She IS The Alien

So… this is kinda odd… Miyuki Hatoyama, the newly elected DPJ Prime Minister’s wife, is claiming that she was abducted by aliens, went to Venus, and even was friends with Tom Cruise in a …