Articles in Rants
Anime is, in fact, Cartoons!

So we’ve all heard different side of the story of the same old battle of anime vs cartoons. Hardcore anime fans will swear that anime is not cartoons while everyone else who doesn’t understand the …
I Swear I’m Not Dead (Yet)

I swear I’m not dead yet, just busy with real life. You know, life where it drags you around and chews you up and spits you out sometimes, that kind of life.
So what have I’ve …
Data Caps? Really? In This Age?

So about a few years back, major telecom company AT&T started putting data caps on mobile data and did away with the unlimited data plans, then came the data caps on there DSL service. Fast …
Internet Censorship?

I’m sure everyone has heard but if you haven’t well there’s a few bills that lobbyist such as the RIAA and MPAA that are trying to pass through the House and Senate that will, in …
Oh Me, Oh My…

Blargh, do I feel awful. I know I said I was going to post very often, but things got delayed on this side. And by delayed, I mean I got sick and my comp kinda …
Why Are My Posts So Few and Far Between? I Dunno. Let Us Rectify.

Greetings all who still come here and look at stuff. I know this place has been rather inactive. Apologies for that on my end. I cannot speak for SCSA, but I bet he’s probably been …
Unlock Bootloaders, Roots, and You

Well, since it’s kinda quite and haven’t really posted much guess I’ll post something. Some people knew I had an Android phone for awhile (since late July 2010) but haven’t really talked much about it. …
Problems with Online Dating

Ever been so lonely to the point that you turned to sites like or or one of hundreds of other online dating sites? Ever gotten so lonely that you’ve actually paid for …
I Can’t Say I Know What To Post About…

Well, that’s not entirely true. I know I want to post about HOW FRAKKING TIRED I AM.
With that taken care of, I do a pretty little dance to tire myself and out make this …
Sex, Sandpaper, and Society.

Sex. Almost everyone seems to enjoy it, or at least they seek it so they can enjoy it. But why is this? Why is it so important?
Now, I will be honest and say I’m still …