Articles tagged with: H-Games
Hayate no Gotoku! vs Lucky Star?

Hello everyone to another episode of… wait, what am I talking about? Oh yeah, Hayate no Gotoku! and Lucky Star. Alright, first off, I’ve only completed up to episode 39 of Hayate. Reason for this …
Why UN! Why Must You Take Away My Hentai!?

So, here this, some feminist group called Equality Now wants the UN to tell Japan to ban Hentai… Why? Is it because of that one hentai game called Rapelay? That could be what triggered it.
So …
Planetarian ~The Reverie of a Little Planet~

Visual Noval review time!
Now, this visual noval is just a noval with visuals (meaning that this is a NON-interactive visual noval, also know as Kinetic Novel). This little Kinetic Novel was produced by KEY (the …