Articles tagged with: Rant
Data Caps? Really? In This Age?

So about a few years back, major telecom company AT&T started putting data caps on mobile data and did away with the unlimited data plans, then came the data caps on there DSL service. Fast …
Unlock Bootloaders, Roots, and You

Well, since it’s kinda quite and haven’t really posted much guess I’ll post something. Some people knew I had an Android phone for awhile (since late July 2010) but haven’t really talked much about it. …
Why UN! Why Must You Take Away My Hentai!?

So, here this, some feminist group called Equality Now wants the UN to tell Japan to ban Hentai… Why? Is it because of that one hentai game called Rapelay? That could be what triggered it.
So …
I Guess I Was "Egging" Them On

So, yesterday, I went to work, browse around the web, found a shirt that I wanted to get for my sister’s boyfriend since it fits him perfectly in his current situation so I texted my …
Spore, DRM, and You

So just awhile ago I started reading about that over hyped game, Spore, just find out that they have some sort of DRM (Digital Rights Management) that’s making everyone pissed off.
In order for you to …
Yah for “hackers”

Don’t know how long the site has been like that one page of some dumb ass with a bomb up there asses been sitting on my front page saying the site been hacked for but …
Family Issues

Welp… been a long time since I’ve posted anything so I figured might as well post something and what better to post then what’s currently happening in the family as there’s a lot of drama …