Articles tagged with: Reviews
Where There Are Traps, There’s Kampfer

Well, well, well, look what the cat brought in for us anime fans to watch. It’s the one and only catch-22 anime series of this season where there’s only one (yes, that’s right, only one …
Hayate no Gotoku! vs Lucky Star?

Hello everyone to another episode of… wait, what am I talking about? Oh yeah, Hayate no Gotoku! and Lucky Star. Alright, first off, I’ve only completed up to episode 39 of Hayate. Reason for this …
Basketball and Mechs, What Can Go Wrong? Basquash – Episode 22

Wow, been awhile since I’ve done an anime review. lets see if I remember where to start…
First off, I’m going to say this now, if you haven’t watched Basquash at all and plan on …
Windows 7 RC1 Review

Here’s a video review on Windows 7 RC1 to show you some of the changes and new features that’s been added. I might later down the line do another video to show you each feature …
Not Really Role Models Now

So, I saw the movie, Role Models, on Friday, November the 7th and I got to say, it wasn’t bad.
The movie is pretty much about two salesmen that goes around to different schools to …
Max Payne is such a Pain

So I saw the movie Max Payne, walking in thinking the movie was going to suck but with that attitude in mind allow me to see that the movie wasn’t all "that" bad for …
Akane-iro ni Somaru Saka – Episode 1

So, this is what Akane-iro ni Somaru Saka is all about, random girl and random guy meeting each other on the streets and fate has brought them together…. Or not…
But lets not get too far …
Babylon A.D.?

Hello all you good boys and girls, today I’d like to talk to you about a movie that I highly recommend that you NOT waste your money on to watch. Yep, today I’ll be talking …
My New Love

Today is probably the happiness day of my life. Why? Because I got my entertainment system today :)
I was disappointed at first because it doesn’t do cross converting and I have having issue with HDMI …
I… AM!… Iron Man?

It’s been awhile since I’ve typed anything so I’ll go ahead and do a quick review of the movie, Iron Man.
At first, I had no intention of seeing this movie mainly because I “thought” it’d …