RenFest and Houston Adventures!
OKAY! Sorry so late, all who actually come here. I have been down and out and generally unwell. However, as promised, I have some RenFest pics for you! ((Can you believe batteries died for some of my devices again!? Never fear, though… I HAD THE PHONE OF MY FRIEND!)) Aforementioned phone belonged to gunluva, who can be found at, if you feel like taking a peek. :D
Anyhow, he dressed up as the 11th Doctor (if you have to ask which doctor, than shame on you), and I was his companion for the day. What follows are pics he took and he had me take. Kind of a mutual thing, though everything did prioritize him. XD
Anyhow, following are some pics (more to come soon, I hope). Enjoy!

There we go! Afraid those are all the pics I have right now. ;o; Enjoy, and I will make another post soon with more pics… Just as soon as I get them…
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