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Fathers, Don’t Kiss Your Little Girl In Public In Brazil

Submitted by on September 16, 2009 – 2:34 am

So an Italian man is on vacation with with his Brazilian wife and little girl when suddenly he did something that caused suspicion… He kissed his 8 year old daughter!!!

Why was that suspicion?  Well, let’s say you’re some bitch who thinks everyone in the world are bad.  Now, lets say that you’re at a resort in a country where it’s common for forgers comes over to have there way with little girls (pedophile) and you see this white guy in a pool with a dark skin girl and you saw him kissing her?  Doesn’t matter where at this moment, just seeing him kissing her.  What would you think?  Would you think “What the fuck is that guy doing? I’m calling the cops” or “Is that man related to her in any way?”  If you choose the later, then you are probably a lot smarter then this one chick.

So what happen?  Some woman saw the guy kissing his daughter in the pool and called the cops on him so now he’s in jail with the possibility of being in jail for 8 to 15 years under the new Brazilian law that went into effect just last month where anyone who is caught molesting a child under the age of 14 goes directly to jail.

The “Brazilian couple” (come on, we all know it’s the woman who did it) who reported the police claimed that he was touching the young girl inappropriately and had kissed her on the mouth while the resort staff said it was innocent.  It appears the “couple” who made the allegations didn’t knew that the man was with his daughter.

The wife of the arrested tourist said the allegations has the potential to destroy her family, like almost anything else that’s life alternating can do just the same.

And all I can say is… if you’re a father and you’re traveling to Brazil with your little girl who’s under 14 years of age, don’t kiss her in any way, shape, or form in public as it might be your ticket to jail, no matter how innocent it is.

Source: BBC News

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  • Sasha says:

    That is really stupid, I always gave my parents a peck on the lips when I was little, and a peck on each cheek for other family members like aunties. Heck, I still do. I don’t see anything wrong with it.

    This pedo thing is really getting out of hand…

    • scsa20 says:

      I know what you mean but if someone who’s not part of your family sees it they will think 1 of 2 things. They will either think, “aw~, look at that lovely family” or “ew~, look at that pedo, where’s my phone so I can call 911.” The first one assumes that the person looks and actually see a family resemblance which most people don’t take the time to tell which leads to the second.

  • Its possible they are capitalizing on the new law… for money?

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