Downloading anime = Time and System Resources (plus other news)
Yeah, I have no time, I download anime, a lot in fact, and it really does take time and system resources. Depending on the download medifed used, it could be more on RAM or more on bandwidth. But no matter what, you use up hard drive space. I’m downloading anime that I got from someone who sent it to me via and using GetRight to download them. GetRight doesn’t use up much of my RAM so it’s all cool but it does take a good junk of bandwidth, although I am downloading 5 files at a time. BitTorrent, on the other hand, uses up a lot of RAM when I’m idea, even when I’m not idea it still uses a lot of my RAM. BitTorrent also uses up my bandwidth, more so then downloading from a P2P client or GetRight. On top of that, it also takes time for it to download, although that isn’t a problem for me since I’m away from my computer 90% of my time now a days. But all of this doesn’t really bother me much, mainly the fact that almost any 25 min movie file is over 100 MB each (for a great qualty picture, it’ll be almost up to or over 200 MB). I’m running out of space on my 250 GB hard drive and I’m running out of space on my extranal 300 GB hard drive, how said is that? Not only that, since I don’t have much time these days, some anime I watch but just don’t have time to finish watching, espally since all the newer series are being released… Newer releases take top poritoy to me, for the most part, but when it comes down to DVDs, the DVDs goes first (unless it’s a series I’ve alreadly saw (OTeacher and OTwins, for an example), in which case I have them in cause I feel like watching them when I find free time). Yep, anime is addecting, more addecting then crack >_>
In other news, it seems like New England won the super bowl, although I feel asleep because of the 1 hour sleep I got yesterday morning before going to work. Hehe, I took like a 40 min nap at work too, and it’s not like the person I was working with cared, we were really slow anyways. Although I could of went out and help the customers when she gets a customer who’s having problems. Oh well, Leta does the samething, I told her to tell me when ever there’s someone who needs help to give me a shout but instead she just goes outside and helps them herself. Oh well, the only thing I could do is stay awake and be outside but even then I would of just fall asleep. But, yeah, Meria (the one I was working with in the morning, the one who let me sleep for a good 40 min) went home and Leta came on, and I let Leta on the till (since I didn’t felt like working it) and kicked back and releaxed for another hour, clocked out for lunch and head to Trev. place for breakfast. After breakfast, I went back to work but this time my stomich was feeling upset, so now I was in the restroom for a good junk of my work. Getting out of the rest room for the last time, I took the till so Leta could get a hold of STSC (Slaveway (err… I mean Safeway) Techonolgy (yeah, right) Support Center (not much of a support, shit, we can’t understand them half the time). We then decided to close down the station because our card readers won’t read the cards (well… they well but they just time out because they put us on the bottom of the loop for card progressing, although they said that we were sur’posed to be on our own loop). STSC did what they did and we could reopen again but Kev decided not to, especally since Leta was about to go to lunch and I was about to clock out, so I’m not sure what time Kev., and Leta reopened the station. I got home and took a quick shower, then layed in my bed after doing somethings on the computer and then watched the kicked off.
Welp… anyways, I’m going to get going, look forward for a V. Day rant in the up coming days, also look forward for more about what happen yesterday when I wake up from my crazy dream. Cya.
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