Articles by Michael Simon
New Server (Again)

I have, once again, changed servers. If you’re reading this, then it means you are seeing the new server.
Windows 8.1 Plus and Minus

So I built a new system that is designed to be my gaming rig but decided to go with Windows 8.1. Hey, got a copy for free from my TechNet Subscription (which, sadly, will be …
Anime is, in fact, Cartoons!

So we’ve all heard different side of the story of the same old battle of anime vs cartoons. Hardcore anime fans will swear that anime is not cartoons while everyone else who doesn’t understand the …
Suspended from Work? w00t!

So today I went into work, signed in for my mandatory overtime that everyone has to do, sitting in start of tour for 1 minute and my lead comes up to me and tells me …
Raspberry Pi + RaspBMC = Awesome Media Center

So over the Christmas holiday, one of the gifts I’ve received was a small little device called Raspberry Pi. It was the only gift I asked for (only $35 bucks, what could go wrong?). This little device …
I Swear I’m Not Dead (Yet)

I swear I’m not dead yet, just busy with real life. You know, life where it drags you around and chews you up and spits you out sometimes, that kind of life.
So what have I’ve …
Galaxy S III

So some of you might have been wondering where I’ve been off to (or probably don’t even care) but I’ve been here the whole time, working on the back-end of things, and lazy on posting something. I …
What Happen To The Site?

The theme I had didn’t like a recent update or something and started causing server 500 errors, so until I get home to look further into it I’ll leave it be with this.
Data Caps? Really? In This Age?

So about a few years back, major telecom company AT&T started putting data caps on mobile data and did away with the unlimited data plans, then came the data caps on there DSL service. Fast …