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Evil drivers

Submitted by on June 24, 2005 – 6:02 pm

Today I’ll talk about some of the stupidest stuff I seen drivers do.

Now, before I start, I must admit, I’m not the best driver in the world, conserding that I’ve been in 2 crashs and speed a lot (supressly, I haven’t been pulled over, not even once!), but some of the stuff I’ve seen people do are worst or stuff that they either forgot to learn in drivers ed or just plain dumb.

It’s funny, the town where I live in has some sort of a street construction going on on First Street and something, by the flag pole in downtown. Anyways, because of how they had the street, they won’t allow left turns, well…. one morning I went out to do the survay for the fuel prices and this one guy who was trailing a boat or whatever made a left turn even though it clearly said no left turn. Dumbass.

Another one I find funny is at some locations, there’s a sign up that says No Turn on Red, but a lot of people makes a turn on red, makes me wish there was a cop there.

But, no, what pisses me off the most is how people does NOT move to the right to make right turns. I mean, come on, haven’t you learn anything in drivers ed? They say to MOVE TO THE FUCKEN RIGHT WHEN MAKING A RIGHT TURN! Why should you move to the right to make a right turn? Well… I don’t know, maybe because it seems right to have people behind to be able to go around you without having to slow down much? *shrugs*

That also brings up another point, USE YOUR FUCKEN SINGLE! You have no idea how many times I got close calls because someone decides to move into my line without singleing and also running into me.

Also, I’ve seen so many people don’t stay in there lane when they turn. Come on, whenever you make a turn, stay in your lane! So many close calls because dumbasses thinks that since I’m in the left right turning lane they think I have to stay for the light (no sign that says that only the right lane could turn on red) and so they make the turn and move right into the left cutting me off, sometimes, just to piss them off, I stay right on his ass when they’re doing it to force them to stay in there lane.

Also, make sure your in the CORRECT lane! Shit, I remember one day this one asshole decided to sit in the stright lane to make a left turn, and was blocking trafic because we had the green light and not the left turning people.

Hmm… why is that everything there’s trafic on streets, people feels the need cause gridlock? I mean, come on, in drivers ed, they said if you don’t have room up head, just stop, even if it is a green light!! It’s common cursty!!

God, why is Califoria drivers the worst >_>

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