GTL Project Info
For those who are MegaTokyo fans (like myself) and been to a few Anime Cons, you might or might not heard of the GTL show… and for those you who don’t know what GTL stands for, it stands for Great Teach Largo. Now, if you heard of it but never saw the show (either because you forgot or never had a change to go to a con that had the guy had his panel at) don’t worry, there well be a show avaible to you online… that is… if I could jump over this speed bump..
What speed bump am I talking about? Well….. just yesterday afternoon the EIDE hard drive that had the source footage on for the show(s) decided to play dumb. I was going to transfer everything off that drive and onto a SATA drive but… the EIDE controler card of the drive went kaboom. Right now, my SATA drive, the EIDE drive, and a new EIDE drive is over at Best Buy getting it worked on… wait, a new EIDE drive? yep, a new one because they needed one that’s the same as my old one in order for it to work… don’t worry, it’s only a little over 60 bucks after mail in rebates, plus I might be able to use it in my old system (which I well turn into a server after everything settles down) if it works. So wish them best of luck in getting the data transfer off.
While on the subject for the GTL show, I was offered to be part of it again, so it’ll be fun, although I wasn’t really expecting to bring my video camera but I guess I could since I am getting a hotel room right next to the con so it won’t be too much of a trouble.
The count down to FAnime is well on it’s way now =)
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