Articles by Michael Simon
About to leave to get Sirius installed

Welp… I’m about to get going to get Sirius installed into my car.
Other then that, I’ve been working on getting the forums back up on my server since yesterday. It was originally but …
scsa20’s getting sirius radio?

Yes… I am getting Sirius Satellite Radio, the eqemipment and installtion is alreadly paided for and just need to take it in 2morrow to get it installed.
Wait! Didn’t you say that you weren’t going …
The night monsters came out to play

Welp… I’m tired and yet I can’t sleep, funny, huh?
anyways… since I’m still up, should be in bed because of a very long day coming up, I’ll write a few things.
First of all, for those …

About to head off to bed in a minute.
Today I went to a few places with my mom and grandma. Went to Padlock (sp?) pools to get some more colorin tablets along with 2 …
It took a licken, and it’s still on ticken

Ok, today was the thrid time that I dropped my cell phone (it’s a flip phone, mind you) and I’m still surpressed that it still works.
The first time was when I was getting out of …

I would say that my evening was a “What the fuck?” evening. Don’t get me wrong, the beginning day was great. Picked up real heavy boxes (which is full of books) and put …
And the world turns

Long, boring, somewhat cool to the end, day.
Woke up this morning and went out to Ace hardware to get some more salt for the water softener, then we went to the store, went home, did …

Last week, when my mom and sister came home from my sister’s 21st birthday, they and my dad went out to get there cell phones, and while they were at it, my dad was talked …
Cell phones?

On Saturday, me and my dad went out to get a new service profider for cell phones, since Cinclur are jackasses and should decived to get any… Anyways, we went with Verizon Wireless and now …
Your non-informational update

Ok, A Living Universe has just expanded and I won’t be able to get any of my ships out there until the evening of 2morrow because by the time my ships are ready to go …