Articles by Michael Simon

After about a year, I’ve finally saw Susana after so long of not seeing her! She seemed like she’s doing well… I didn’t talk to her much, just gived her a hug, shacked her …
And that’s why I lurk and don’t post comments (or don’t even go to that forum/community)

I swear, at some forums and communities I’m just a fucken lurker because if I say one thing that’s not to there liking they fucken start flaming me and start saying I’m a “noob.” …
Didn’t I mention that I hate AOHell?

It’s funny, in Dec., my dad decided to install AOHell on his system for the 90 day trial peroid thingy just to play games *role eyes* Today, he went to cancel and the lady …
The madness, THE MADNESS!!

Welp, 4th day of being sick, not a pretty thing.
This morning, I went in for work, still sick, and got there early (like I always do) and I sit there, in my car, listening to …
Back from AZ

As of yesterday, around 5 pm PST, I’m am back from AZ, but I still feel like shit, if I don’t feel any better later tonight, I’ll just call into work and tell them that …
Live from AZ part 3

Well… saw the super intendent yesterday, he seemed like a really nice guy, really cares about the qualty of the house. He pointed everything out to us and such, and even pointed out that …
Site Update

For most who don’t know, I have my own site, although it was pretty much nothing of intrest and I kept taking it down and putting it back up and such. But now, I’m …
Live from AZ part 2

Welp… part 2 of being Live in AZ.
Went to see the house for a bit, and then went to some mall. Of course my mom and my sister went out and looked at all …
Live from AZ

Right now it’s late at night, here in AZ, my sister and my mom in the next bed, me still awake on my bed, typing this and doing some random stuff. My mom is …
Lunch almost over?

Damn, I really don’t feel like going back to work >_> Corp. was out at the station today and they had me clean clean clean, which reminds me, I still have to finish cleaning one …