Articles by Michael Simon
Crazy person on the lose at Slaveway Fuel Station

I’m not kidding, yesterday I was actually working with Trivor (for the first time in ages) and in the evening I was just outside checking this and that, walked back to the kiosk and a …
Did I mention that I hate my job?

No, really, the department that I work for is on the top of the shit list. Yesterday, just a hour and half to 2 hours from closing for book keeping when the pay outside …
Damn, it’s so late

Damn it’s so late, still haven’t gotten out of my work close, why bother, I have work when I wake up anyways (at 4 pm, I have a feeling I well be asleep tell 2:30 …
Why do I have to be cursed?

What I mean is, I spend too much fucken money, I need to stop! Recently I bought three shirts, an internal 300 GB SATA hard drive, a SATA controller card, and my dream camera, …
The dumb people comes out when it rains

I couldn’t belive this, on my way home from dropping someone off at his house, I ran into so many fucken morons on the road. Everyone was driving so fucken slow, and ran into …
Goodbye Mandrakes, Hello Slackware

For those who knows me well, I love computers, I mess with them whenever I could, but these days I just don’t have the time to mess with it. For about 3 months I …
So tired of this.

Welp… today was an interesting day enough for me to say “fuck the working world of what I call slaveway.” Since I work behind a window, I don’t smell what the customers are wearing …

No, really, read this convo we had on AIM:
I really wouldn’t expected to get into this convo with her o_O she always told me I was a jerk (which I am sometimes, depends on …
The joy of Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day, the day where the guys goes out of their way to get there love ones expensive jewelry, underwear, and getting them chocolates in a heart shaped box with roses. The day where …
Almost time to get back to work huh?

Welp, here I am, supposed to start writing a little something something for you all for V-Day but instead wrote something for customers_suck community. You can read it if you please, it’s titled “Dear …