Articles by Michael Simon
It’s My Life

I would like to start this rant by asking that you read through this rant because I do have questions that’s directed to both males and females. Thank you, now onto the regural schulded …
This is the LAST time I’m buying anything from Dell, there support sucks and over priced!

Ok, if you remember me bitching about how I pretty much got fucked over a price of a hard drive and bitched about it and got a $100 couple from them that expairs on Feb. …
Who’s been giving me hugs? (and the stuff that’s happening in my world)

Really, I want to know because it’s starting to freak me out. I first saw it at 2 (where I just click it twice to see how it works and all (yep, a code …
Merry Fucken Christmas

Whooowho! it’s the Crist’s birthday! Party hardy!!
btw, if you don’t know scartasam when you see it, then your blind :p
Anyways, despict the fact that it is NOT Crist’s birthday and the fact that …

Well.. today I got a new mouse and some other stuff, and my monitor been acting up since yesterday. It just randomly starts to flicker crazy (no, it’s not the new video card, checked …
My new system, built for gaming this time

Yep, got all the parts I need to start building my new system, all I’m waiting for now is my case :) here’s what I bought today at Fry’s:
ATI Radeon X 800XL
Turbo Memory Dual …
OK, I lied about watching Bleach 60 after reading Negima (plus, what my house might look like)

Yep, too tired to watch anything right now… What HAVE I been doing since I got done reading Negima? browsing around some sites to look for some good prices on backdrops.
For the longest …
… o_O does anyone even read my journal?

Not like I care and all, since I mainly bitch and rant about stuff that people don’t care about ^^;;
anyways… here I mean, reading Negima vol 7, almost done, while still waiting for Trevor to …
wow… what a week my sister had…

Wow… car crash on Thrusday, somewhat sick on Friday, really sick on Saturday and Sunday, and another accentend today (monday) o_O this time involving my dad’s car and a mortorcycle.
My sister wanted to start driving …
What an interesting day…

Day started like it always did, right? WRONG!
Sure, I wroke up on time, got dressed on time, left the house on time, but got to work on time? Nope… why? well…
Around 6:45 …