Articles in Rants
Blast These Moods of Mine…

I do apologize for not making any posts as of late. I’ve been wanting to, really. D:
I just haven’t been able to think of anything. Yes, I’m fully aware this is a cop-out of sorts. …
No decent title that doesn’t sound too depressing…

Like the title implies, this post/rant might be a little on the depressing side… So take this as a warning.
Dreams. Youth. Potential.
Whatever happened to these things? When we were young, we’d so often hear about …
A Bit on Apathy? Eh, I Don’t Feel Like It…

Recently I’ve noticed something. People seem to be caring less and less. It doesn’t matter about what. It just seems to be happening. Whether it’s intentional apathy or just slow desensitization, people are showing much …
My House is Still a Mess

There’s really not much to talk about. Haven’t really had the chance to watched much anime or do any work around the house. Last time I did any work around the house was a few …
Was it a Merry Christmas? Was it a Happy New Year?

Hey there everyone, it is I, scsa20, in a new year… wait… it’s a new year already? Oh shoot, didn’t noticed. Anyways, just want to let everyone know what’s been going on and what’s up …
Grand Theft Games: Console Wars

Alright, I’ve been meaning to write this for some time and now I finally got the chance to! Anyways, this post is going to be mainly focus on the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation …
PSPgo is No Go – A Tail of Digital Media

So the PSPgo is out for awhile now and I saw reports that show that the PSPgo isn’t selling to well, no surprise there considering the fact that it’s 100% digital media since they removed …
Black★Rock Shooter?

So a Pilot Edition of Black★Rock Shooter is out and~… it’s questionable. What I mean by that? Well… Let’s just say that from the PV it doesn’t seem like it has a set story …
What’s Not Broken, Don’t Fix It

So, it seemed like zenical (the owner of had an issue accessing my site where she gets a DNS issue. Of course no one informed me of this (even though I was following her …
Why UN! Why Must You Take Away My Hentai!?

So, here this, some feminist group called Equality Now wants the UN to tell Japan to ban Hentai… Why? Is it because of that one hentai game called Rapelay? That could be what triggered it.
So …