Articles in Uncategorized
Do You Ever Update Your Journal?

Answer: I just did :-p
ok, ok, ok, I know I’m evading the question here but let me explain myself.
1) Personal life IS a drag — What I mean is, there’s just a lot of …
how long as it been now?

wow… it’s been FOREVER since I’ve last updated this journal, and here’s the reasons why I haven’t been updating for a while.
1) I’ve been flying to LA A LOT recently (I think I said this …
here I am… in Los Angeles again.

Hey everyone… I’m in Los Angeles again, staying with my baby again… this time she has work so I’m waiting for her at her work and while I’m waiting I’m on my laptop browsing the …
Is it June 30th yet?

Welp… here I am… tired in all hell talking to Crystal (my little baby doll, my Crystal ball, my cutie pie) over the phone. She lives in LA and I met her for the …
2nd day at FAnime

Welp… here I am, at FAnime, the second day, with David and Kevin getting drunk off there ass and pretty much distroying the small hotel room that we have, and, all in all, having a …
Here I am, back in Livermore

Here I am, back in Livermore and already met a few people like Heather and Kattie along with old co-workers. Right now I’m over at Tervor’s house, Tervor went out to pick up Chris, …
The Countdown

I am now counting down the days tell the day I take off to FAnime in San Jose, CA. I’m hoping to get to meet a lot of my old friends and colleagues while …
What pisses me off most

Is having to go through hoops to get a hold of someone to get a hold of another person to answer your fucking question!
I bet your wondering what I’m talking about, huh? Well, here …
Long Term Project

Find a better program to make an image backup of my drive (instead of Norton Ghost))
Start to Redo the GTL video
Start a new AMV
Get Adobe Production Studio
Save up for Fanime

Everyone always asked me what kind of music I listen to, the short answer is I listen to any kind that catches my ears. But what exactly catches my ears? Really depends on …