Articles in Uncategorized
I have decided

I am going to go to Anime Expo! I got the days I want requested off, now I’m in the planning stage with some people I’m going with who are located in California. …
Things to know about Arizona

After living here in Arizona for about 7 months, I’ve noticed a lot of things that’s different over here then back in California.
1) Drivers are quick to flip people off
Sad but true, Arizona drivers here …
So many things to do, so little time

Ok, so I didn’t got much done over this weekend that I was hoping to. I was hoping to clean my room yesterday (Saturday) but got halt by someone waking me up too early …
Things to do in the Next Few Weeks

Clean my Closet
Clean my Room
Add Another Guest to my Hotel Room for FAnime 2006
Rearange my Room
Rearange my DVD Rack
Rearange my Book Case
Finish Opening my Models
Put up more posters
Format Computer and go back to using Windows …

Welp… I just submited a request to cancel my hosting account with SurPassHosting. I am now switched over to Dream Hosting (well… somewhat, I’m doing some edits of the site end before opening the …
Today is the shitiest day ever, shittiest wek ever.

Honestly, it started as soon as I walked into the door to the office complax where I work. With no way to print out a report to show which loans were using which title …
Isn’t it sexy?

Yep, take a goooooooood look at my sexy new display case :) (ok, it took forever because the mirror was broken when we gotten it, cracked another mirror, had to sand down one part of …
I’m so happy… and yet mad…

I’m so happy because I just got off the phone from ViewSonic and he told me that my monitor is repaired and waiting for UPS to pick it up :)
I’m mad because I got the …
GTL Project Info

For those who are MegaTokyo fans (like myself) and been to a few Anime Cons, you might or might not heard of the GTL show… and for those you who don’t know what GTL stands …
pissed off…

I’m so fucken pissed off at Joe for being a little fucken bitch and for Trev for never getting back to me (then again, I can’t really blame Trev since his cell phone is a …