Articles tagged with: Reviews
DJ Max Portable

About a month and a half ago I started playing DJ Max Portable and I was addicted to it. I mean, the game is so freakin awesome that I just can’t stop playing it! Just …
Over Drive Is Way Over Driven

Welp… I finally had the pleasure of watching Over Drive and it wasn’t all that I was expecting. I was more expecting up to 4 episode of the race but only about 6 episodes of …
H2O Episode 6, 7, and 8

This article is still a work in progress but has been posted for you’re reading pleasure. Only have episode 6 up for right now, through.Yep, review time (finally), and since I’m behind, I decided to …
Clannad Episode 18

I’ve been typing this review for this episode since 2/15/2008 and just now got done due to a whole bunch of issues which I’ll post about later. For now, enjoy the review.
Clannad episode 18… just …
H2O episode 4

Welcome to episode 4 of H2O where Takuma is surrounded around by 4 (at least I thought it was 4 until the end) beautiful girls at the beach. What was interesting, though, was that …
Rosario+Vampire anime officially dropped

I have officially decided to Rosario+Vampire due to the fact that that series is right up there with Negima in terms of the anime series sucks but the manga series is awesome. I mean, …
School Days doesn’t feel like my “school days”

So here’s the catch, I’ve been putting off School Days as much as possible because, honestly, the series been pissing me off. I just got done watching episode 4 and it just pisses me …
H2O ~Footprints in the Sand~

In this episode we’ve learned 2 things.
First we learn that Hayami Kohinata lives in a run down train cart (at least it looks like it anyways) across a suspension bridge where everyone says a monster …

So I’ve watched the anime for this series and thought it was “alright” but it wasn’t that great and then someone pointed me to where the manga was located and oh boy… The manga is …
Ouran High School Host Club

Now… hmm… I really have no clue how to start this off…. I mean… I think this is a funny series so far (granted that I only saw the first ep) but… I still don’t …